The Resolution(s)

January 1st, 2007 by kathy

152383715_ca4a1e241f.jpgI’m not a big believer in “the resolution,” but I am making an exception this year. Blame the sexy vixen with the blond hair wearing leopard print heels and red lipstick on the N train last night, but I realized I was a bit of a bore in 2006.

That being said, I have decided to post my resolution(s)—in six words—on SMITH, so I can actually remember what they are. The list will be part of the official SMITH record.

OK, here goes:

1. Start book proposal. Want book party.
2. Wear high heels to City more.
3. Hit gym. Nice gams in heels.
4. Freelance more—for tax purposes, natch.
5. Go to London. Heck, travel more.
6. More yoga. Yoga means more balance.
7. Celebrate BIG 3-0 in big way (FYI: February 25).
8. Make out with boyfriend. Daily basis.
9. Hang with friends. Call them too.
10. Enroll in class at New School.

Here’s to a happy and healthy 2007!

SMITH Magazine

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